We would like to thank the Tennessee Department of Children's Services (DCS) for their partnership with Fostering TN over the last two years. DCS will be embarking on a new platform to recruit foster parents. Please refer to their website for more information: https://www.tn.gov/tnfosters/foster-parent.html.

Ever considered being a

Foster Parent?

You don't have to be perfect,

just committed.

Get Started

Children and Youth across Tennessee need you!
Do you meet the following qualifications?

Do you have room in your home and in your daily life?

Are you ready to learn and use proven behavioral management skills?

Can you give without the expectation of immediate returns?

Can you support birth families and help a child return home?

Can you love and care for children who have experienced trauma?

DCS carefully assesses all applicants and the department also provides the opportunity for prospective Foster Parents to work with a case manager to assess themselves before they accept the role of Foster Parent.

learn more

There are a few minimum requirements.
Do you meet the following qualifications?

At least 21 years of age.

Must be fingerprinted and pass background checks.

Participate in an Informational Meeting.

Must complete a training program called TN-KEY.

Complete Home Study process.

Provide documentation of sufficient income.

Complete health screenings.

Retain legal residency in Tennessee for at least 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Foster Care Statistics: What is the need in Tennessee?
There are over 8,300 children in foster care in Tennessee. The Department of Children’s Services needs families in every county throughout the state including families that are willing to serve sibling groups, teenagers, and Spanish speaking children.
What is the goal of the Department of Children's Services (DCS) for children in foster care?
The first goal is always reunification with the birth family when possible.
How do I begin the process of becoming a foster parent?
The first step is to complete a foster parent inquiry by clicking Get Started at FosteringTN.org! An Inquiry Coordinator will contact you via email and phone to guide you through the pre-screening process to determine if you meet the minimum requirements to become a foster parent. During this call, the Inquiry Coordinator will answer any additional questions you may have about becoming a foster parent or the process. Finally, the Inquiry Coordinator will help you register for a TN-KEY (foster parent training) class.
What disqualifies you from being a foster parent?
The minimum requirements to become a foster parent are:
Be at least 21 years old
Complete fingerprinting and background checks
Participate in an Informational Meeting
Complete a training program called TN-KEY
Complete the Home Study process
Provide documentation of sufficient income
Complete health screenings
Retain legal residency in Tennessee for at least 3 months

There are several policies in place around these requirements and the Department of Children’s Services maintains the right to select out any family through a mutual selection process.
Can you be a foster parent to a relative?
There is a possibility of becoming a foster parent to a relative. If you are aware of a relative coming into care or that is in foster care already, reach out to the DCS office of the county the child is from and let them know you are interested in becoming a foster parent for this child!
Can you be a foster parent if you are single?
You can be single, married, divorced, or widowed and become a foster parent!
Do we have to get any vaccinations?
All household members (adults and children) must have up-to-date pertussis (whooping cough) and influenza vaccines to foster children under the age of eighteen (18) months old or with significant documented medical needs.
What are the home requirements?
DCS has a policy and a checklist that will cover all home requirements. Complete your inquiry to ask any questions regarding these requirements and receive a copy of the checklist to help you prepare for your Home Study!
When fostering can you choose the children’s age?
You can select the age group you are most comfortable with; however, due to the number of children and youth in foster care, you may be asked to consider children outside your age group. You are able to say no to any placement you do not feel will be a good fit for your home.
How many children can I have in my home?
DCS policy states you can only have 5 children in your home (including all family members under 18 and foster children). There is an assessment that can be completed if you feel you have the ability to care for more than 5 children in your home.
What support does DCS offer foster parents?
During the training process, you will be assigned a DCS Trainer that will guide you through TN-KEY. Once your home is referred for a Home Study, you will be assigned a Home Study Writer to help guide you through the Home Study process. During the Home Study process, you will be assigned a DCS Family Support Worker that will be with you throughout the fostering journey. Additional training and support groups are also available.
How much do foster parents get paid in Tennessee?
Tennessee offers a daily rate of pay that is paid out monthly to all families with active placements. The rate varies depending upon the specific child placed in the home and will be discussed with you at time of placement.
Do foster parents have rights?
In 1997, Tennessee adopted a Foster Parent Bill of Rights that covers various aspects of being a foster parent. You will receive a copy of your Bill of Rights during foster parent training. You will also be offered the opportunity to have a mentor to guide you through your fostering journey. Each region also has a Foster Parent Advocate that is able to help you navigate times when you are unsure of your rights as a foster parent.
What can I do if I am not ready to foster?
Share our information with friends and family that may be ready to foster! Share FosteringTN social media pages and posts, volunteer, and reach out to other families that foster and offer your support!
How can the community support families involved with foster care?
Be a mentor, support foster families in your community by preparing meals, offer to babysit while foster parents enjoy a date night, or check with foster families you know to see what kind of support would be most valuable to them!
How do I begin the process of becoming a foster parent?
What disqualifies you from being a foster parent?
Can you be a foster parent to a relative?
Can you be a foster parent if you are single?
Do we have to get any vaccinations?
What disqualifies you from being a foster parent?
What are the home requirements?
When fostering can you choose the children’s age?
How many children can I have in my home?
What support does DCS offer foster parents?
How much do foster parents get paid in Tennessee?
Do foster parents have rights?
What can I do if I am not ready to foster?
How can the community support families involved with foster care?

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